Interface ResourceStore

A ResourceStore represents a collection of resources. It has been designed such that each of its methods can be implemented in an atomic way: for each CRUD operation, only one dedicated method needs to be called. A fifth method enables the optimization of partial updates with PATCH. It is up to the implementer of the interface to (not) make an implementation atomic.

ResourceStores are also responsible for taking auxiliary resources into account should those be relevant to the store.


Implemented by


addResource: ((container, representation, conditions?) => Promise<ChangeMap>)

Type declaration

    • (container, representation, conditions?): Promise<ChangeMap>
    • Creates a new resource in the container.


      • container: ResourceIdentifier

        Container in which to create a resource.

      • representation: Representation

        Representation of the new resource

      • Optional conditions: Conditions

        Optional conditions under which to proceed.

      Returns Promise<ChangeMap>

      A ChangeMap.

deleteResource: ((identifier, conditions?) => Promise<ChangeMap>)

Type declaration

getRepresentation: ((identifier, preferences, conditions?) => Promise<Representation>)

Type declaration

    • (identifier, preferences, conditions?): Promise<Representation>
    • Retrieves a representation of a resource.


      Returns Promise<Representation>

      A representation corresponding to the identifier.

hasResource: ((identifier) => Promise<boolean>)

Type declaration

    • (identifier): Promise<boolean>
    • Check if a resource exists in this ResourceSet.


      Returns Promise<boolean>

      A promise resolving if the resource already exists.

modifyResource: ((identifier, patch, conditions?) => Promise<ChangeMap>)

Type declaration

    • (identifier, patch, conditions?): Promise<ChangeMap>
    • Sets or updates the representation of a resource, creating a new resource and intermediary containers as needed.


      • identifier: ResourceIdentifier

        Identifier of resource to update.

      • patch: Patch

        Description of which parts to update.

      • Optional conditions: Conditions

        Optional conditions under which to proceed.

      Returns Promise<ChangeMap>

      A ChangeMap.

setRepresentation: ((identifier, representation, conditions?) => Promise<ChangeMap>)

Type declaration

    • (identifier, representation, conditions?): Promise<ChangeMap>
    • Sets or replaces the representation of a resource, creating a new resource and intermediary containers as needed.


      Returns Promise<ChangeMap>

      A ChangeMap.