Authenticate if the username and password are correct and return the WebID if it is. Throw an error if it is not.
The user's email.
This user's password.
The user's WebID.
Changes the password.
The user's email.
The user's password.
Creates a new account.
Account email.
Account WebID.
Account password.
Specific settings for the account.
Delete the account.
The user's email.
Deletes the Forgot Password Confirmation Record
The record id of the forgot password confirmation record.
Creates a Forgot Password Confirmation Record. This will be to remember that a user has made a request to reset a password. Throws an error if the email doesn't exist
The user's email.
The record id. This should be included in the reset password link.
Gets the email associated with the forgot password confirmation record or undefined if it's not present
The record id retrieved from the link.
The user's email.
Gets the settings associated with this account. Errors if there is no matching account.
The account WebID.
Updates the settings associated with this account.
The account WebID.
New settings for the account.
Verifies the account creation. This can be used with, for example, e-mail verification.
The account can only be used after it is verified.
In case verification is not required, this should be called immediately after the create
The account email.
Storage needed for the email-password interaction