Class ContainerInitializer

Initializer that sets up a container. Will copy all the files and folders in the given path to the corresponding documents and containers.




containerId: ResourceIdentifier
logger: Logger = ...
storage: KeyValueStorage<string, boolean>
storageKey: string


  • Checks if the input can be handled by this class. If it cannot handle the input, rejects with an error explaining why.


    • input: void

      Input that could potentially be handled.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise resolving if the input can be handled, rejecting with an Error if not.

  • Helper function that first runs canHandle followed by handle. Throws the error of canHandle if the data cannot be handled, or returns the result of handle otherwise.


    • input: void

      Input data that will be handled if it can be handled.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise resolving if the input can be handled, rejecting with an Error if not.