A class that can be used to instantiate and start a server based on a Component.js configuration.



  • Returns an App object, created with the given config, that can start and stop the Solid server.


    • input: AppRunnerInput = {}

      All values necessary to configure the server.

    Returns Promise<App>

  • Returns an App object, created by parsing the Command line arguments, that can start and stop the Solid server. Will exit the process on failure.


    • argv: CliArgv = process.argv

      Command line arguments.

    Returns Promise<App>

  • Creates the Components Manager that will be used for instantiating.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • loaderProperties: IComponentsManagerBuilderOptions<T>
    • configs: string[]

    Returns Promise<ComponentsManager<T>>

  • Retrieves settings from package.json or configuration file when part of an npm project.

    Returns Promise<undefined | Record<string, unknown>>

    The settings defined in the configuration file

  • Starts the server with a given config.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Starts the server as a command-line application.


    • Optionalargv: CliArgv

      Command line arguments.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Starts the server as a command-line application. Will exit the process on failure.

    Made non-async to lower the risk of unhandled promise rejections. This is only relevant when this is used to start as a Node.js application on its own, if you use this as part of your code you probably want to use the async version.


    • argv: {
          argv?: CliArgv;
          stderr?: WriteStream;

      Input parameters.

      • Optionalargv?: CliArgv

        Command line arguments.

      • Optionalstderr?: WriteStream

        Stream that should be used to output errors before the logger is enabled.

    Returns void