Metadata related to pod generation.

interface PodSettings {
    base: ResourceIdentifier;
    email?: string;
    name?: string;
    oidcIssuer?: string;
    template?: string;
    webId: string;


  • Dict<unknown>
    • PodSettings


The root of the pod. Determines where the pod will be created.

email?: string

E-mail of the owner. Used in provisioning templates.

name?: string

Name of the owner. Used in provisioning templates.

oidcIssuer?: string

The OIDC issuer of the owner's WebId. Necessary if the WebID in the pod is registered with the IDP.

template?: string

Required for dynamic pod configuration. Indicates the name of the config to use for the pod.

webId: string

The WebId of the owner of this pod.