Handles migrating account data from v6 to the newer format. Will only trigger if it is detected that this server was previously started on an older version and at least one account was found. Confirmation will be asked to the user through a CLI prompt. After migration is complete the old data will be removed.

Hierarchy (view full)



  • Checks whether the input can be handled by this class. If it cannot handle the input, rejects with an error explaining why.


    • input: void

      Input that could potentially be handled.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise resolving if the input can be handled, rejecting with an Error if not.

  • Creates a new account based on the account data found in the old storage. Will always create an account and password entry. In case useIdp is true, will create a WebID link entry. In case there is an associated podBaseUrl, will create a pod and owner entry.


    • account: Account | Settings

    Returns Promise<undefined | {
        accountId: string;
        webId: string;

  • Helper function that first runs canHandle followed by handle. Throws the error of canHandle if the data cannot be handled, or returns the result of handle otherwise.


    • input: void

      Input data that will be handled if it can be handled.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise resolving if the input can be handled, rejecting with an Error if not.