Supports mapping a file to an URL and back.


  • FileIdentifierMapper

Implemented by


mapFilePathToUrl: ((filePath: string, isContainer: boolean) => Promise<ResourceLink>)

Type declaration

    • (filePath: string, isContainer: boolean): Promise<ResourceLink>
    • Maps the given file path to an URL and determines the content-type


      A ResourceLink with all the necessary metadata.


      • filePath: string

        The input file path.

      • isContainer: boolean

        If the path corresponds to a file.

      Returns Promise<ResourceLink>

mapUrlToFilePath: ((identifier: ResourceIdentifier, isMetadata: boolean, contentType?: string) => Promise<ResourceLink>)

Type declaration

    • (identifier: ResourceIdentifier, isMetadata: boolean, contentType?: string): Promise<ResourceLink>
    • Maps the given resource identifier / URL to a file path. Determines the content-type if no content-type was provided by finding the corresponding file. If there is no corresponding file a file path will be generated. For containers the content-type input gets ignored.


      A ResourceLink with all the necessary metadata.


      • identifier: ResourceIdentifier

        The input identifier.

      • isMetadata: boolean

        If we are mapping the metadata of the resource instead of its data.

      • Optional contentType: string

        The (optional) content-type of the resource.

      Returns Promise<ResourceLink>