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Receiving notifications

A CSS instance can be configured to support Solid notifications. These can be used to track changes on the server. There are no specific requirements on the type of notifications a Solid server should support, so on this page we'll describe the notification types supported by CSS, and how to make use of the different ways supported to receive notifications.

Discovering subscription services

CSS only supports discovering the notification subscription services through the storage description resource. This can be found by doing a HEAD request on any resource in your pod and looking for the Link header with the relationship.

For example, when hosting the server on localhost with port 3000, the result is:

Link: <http://localhost:3000/.well-known/solid>; rel=""

Doing a GET to http://localhost:3000/.well-known/solid then gives the following result (simplified for readability):

@prefix notify: <>.

    a                   <> ;
    notify:subscription <http://localhost:3000/.notifications/WebSocketChannel2023/> ,
                        <http://localhost:3000/.notifications/WebhookChannel2023/> .
    notify:channelType  notify:WebSocketChannel2023 ;
    notify:feature      notify:accept ,
                        notify:endAt ,
                        notify:rate ,
                        notify:startAt ,
                        notify:state .
    notify:channelType  notify:WebhookChannel2023;
    notify:feature      notify:accept ,
                        notify:endAt ,
                        notify:rate ,
                        notify:startAt ,
                        notify:state .

This says that there are two available subscription services that can be used for notifications and where to find them. Note that these discovery requests also support content-negotiation, so you could ask for JSON-LD if you prefer. Currently, however, this JSON-LD will not match the examples from the notification specification.

The above tells us where to send subscriptions and which features are supported for those services. You subscribe to a channel by POSTing a JSON-LD document to the subscription services. There are some small differences in the structure of these documents, depending on the channel type, which will be discussed below.

Subscription requests need to be authenticated using Solid-OIDC. The server will check whether you have Read permission on the resource you want to listen to. Requests without Read permission will be rejected.

Notification channel types

There are currently up to two supported ways to get notifications in CSS, depending on your configuration: the notification channel types WebSocketChannel2023; and WebhookChannel2023.


To subscribe to the http://localhost:3000/foo resource using WebSockets, you use an authenticated POST request to send the following JSON-LD document to the server, at http://localhost:3000/.notifications/WebSocketChannel2023/:

  "@context": [ "" ],
  "type": "",
  "topic": "http://localhost:3000/foo"

If you have Read permissions, the server's reply will look like this:

  "@context": [ "" ],
  "id": "http://localhost:3000/.notifications/WebSocketChannel2023/dea6f614-08ab-4cc1-bbca-5dece0afb1e2",
  "type": "",
  "topic": "http://localhost:3000/foo",
  "receiveFrom": "ws://localhost:3000/.notifications/WebSocketChannel2023/?auth=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2F.notifications%2FWebSocketChannel2023%2Fdea6f614-08ab-4cc1-bbca-5dece0afb1e2"

The most important field is receiveFrom. This field tells you the WebSocket to which you need to connect, through which you will start receiving notifications. In JavaScript, this can be done using the WebSocket object, such as:

const ws = new WebSocket(receiveFrom);
ws.on('message', (notification) => console.log(notification));


Similar to the WebSocket subscription, below is sample JSON-LD that would be sent to http://localhost:3000/.notifications/WebhookChannel2023/:

  "@context": [ "" ],
  "type": "",
  "topic": "http://localhost:3000/foo",
  "sendTo": ""

Note that this document has an additional sendTo field. This is the Webhook URL of your server, the URL to which you want the notifications to be sent.

The response would then be something like this:

  "@context": [ "" ],
  "id": "http://localhost:3000/.notifications/WebhookChannel2023/eeaf2c17-699a-4e53-8355-e91d13807e5f",
  "type": "",
  "topic": "http://localhost:3000/foo",
  "sendTo": ""

Streaming HTTP

Currently, Streaming HTTP channels are only available as pre-established channels on each resource. This means that subscribing and unsubscribing are not supported, and no subscription services are advertised. Instead, each resource advertises the receiveFrom of its pre-established notification channel using HTTP Link header, using rel="".

For example, this —

curl --head 'http://localhost:3000/foo/'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Link: <http://localhost:3000/.notifications/StreamingHTTPChannel2023/foo/>; rel=""

It is essential to remember that any HTTP request to that receiveFrom endpoint requires the same authorization as a GET request on the resource which advertises it.

Currently, all pre-established Streaming HTTP channels have Content-Type: text/turtle.

Information on how to consume Streaming HTTP responses is available on MDN

Unsubscribing from a notification channel


This feature is not part of the Solid Notification v0.2 specification so might be changed or removed in the future.

If you no longer want to receive notifications on the channel you created, you can send a DELETE request to the channel to remove it. Use the value found in the id field of the subscription response. There is no way to retrieve this identifier later on, so make sure to keep track of it just in case you want to unsubscribe at some point. No authorization is needed for this request.

Notification format

Below is an example notification that would be sent when a resource changes:

  "@context": [
  "id": "urn:123456:",
  "type": "Update",
  "object": "http://localhost:3000/foo",
  "state": "987654",
  "published": "2023-02-09T15:08:12.345Z"

A notification contains the following fields:

  • id: A unique identifier for this notification.
  • type: What happened to trigger the notification. We discuss the possible values below.
  • object: The resource that changed.
  • state: An identifier indicating the state of the resource. This corresponds to the ETag value you get when doing a request on the resource itself.
  • published: When this change occurred.

Notification types

CSS supports five different notification types that the client can receive. The format of the notification can slightly change depending on the type.

Resource notification types:

  • Create: When the resource is created.
  • Update: When the existing resource is changed.
  • Delete: When the resource is deleted. Does not have a state field.

Additionally, when listening to a container, there are two extra notifications that are sent out when the contents of the container change. For these notifications, the object fields references the resource that was added or removed, while the new target field references the container itself.

  • Add: When a new resource is added to the container.
  • Remove: When a resource is removed from the container.


The Solid notification specification describes several extra features that can be supported by notification channels. By default, these are all supported on the channels of a CSS instance, as can be seen in the descriptions returned by the server above. Each feature can be enabled by adding a field to the JSON-LD you send during subscription. The available fields are:

  • startAt: An xsd:dateTime describing when you want notifications to start. No notifications will be sent on this channel before this time.
  • endAt: An xsd:dateTime describing when you want notifications to stop. The channel will be destroyed at that time, and no more notifications will be sent.
  • state: A string corresponding to the state string of a resource notification. If this value differs from the actual state of the resource, a notification will be sent out immediately to inform the client that its stored state is outdated.
  • rate: An xsd:duration indicating how often notifications can be sent out. A new notification will only be sent out after this much time has passed since the previous notification.
  • accept: A description of the content-type(s) in which the client would want to receive the notifications. Expects the same values as an Accept HTTP header.

Important note for server owners

There is not much restriction on who can create a new notification channel; only Read permissions on the target resource are required. It is therefore possible for the server to accumulate created channels. As these channels still get used every time their corresponding resource changes, this could degrade server performance.

For this reason, the default server configuration removes notification channels after two weeks (20160 minutes). You can modify this behaviour by adding the following block to your configuration:

  "@id": "urn:solid-server:default:WebSocket2023Subscriber",
  "@type": "NotificationSubscriber",
  "maxDuration": 20160

maxDuration defines after how many minutes every channel will be removed. Setting this value to 0 will allow channels to exist forever. Similarly, to change the maximum duration of webhook channels you can use the identifier urn:solid-server:default:WebhookSubscriber.