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This section covers the architecture used to support the Notifications protocol as described in

There are three core architectural components, that have distinct entry points:

  • Exposing metadata to allow discovery of the subscription type.
  • Handling subscriptions targeting a resource.
  • Emitting notifications when there is activity on a resource.


Discovery is done through the storage description resource(s). The server returns the same triples for every such resource as the notification subscription URL is always located in the root of the server.

flowchart LR
  StorageDescriptionHandler --> StorageDescriber("<strong>StorageDescriber</strong><br>ArrayUnionHandler")
  StorageDescriber --> NotificationDescriber("NotificationDescriber<br>NotificationDescriber")
  NotificationDescriber --> NotificationDescriberArgs

  subgraph NotificationDescriberArgs[" "]
    direction LR

The server uses a StorageDescriptionHandler to generate the necessary RDF data and to handle content negotiation. To generate the data we have multiple StorageDescribers, whose results get merged together in an ArrayUnionHandler.

A NotificationChannelType contains the specific details of a specification notification channel type, including a JSON-LD representation of the corresponding subscription resource. One specific instance of a StorageDescriber is a NotificationDescriber, which merges those JSON-LD descriptions into a single set of RDF quads. When adding a new subscription type, a new instance of such a class should be added to the urn:solid-server:default:NotificationDescriber.


To subscribe, a client has to send a specific JSON-LD request to the URL found during discovery.

flowchart LR
  NotificationTypeHandler --> NotificationTypeHandlerArgs

  subgraph NotificationTypeHandlerArgs[" "]
    direction LR
    OperationRouterHandler("<br>OperationRouterHandler") --> NotificationSubscriber("<br>NotificationSubscriber")
NotificationSubscriber --> NotificationChannelType("<br><i>NotificationChannelType</i>")
    OperationRouterHandler2("<br>OperationRouterHandler") --> NotificationSubscriber2("<br>NotificationSubscriber")
NotificationSubscriber2 --> NotificationChannelType2("<br><i>NotificationChannelType</i>")

Every subscription type should have a subscription URL relative to the root notification URL, which in our configs is set to /.notifications/. For every type there is then a OperationRouterHandler that accepts requests to that specific URL, after which a NotificationSubscriber handles all checks related to subscribing, for which it uses a NotificationChannelType. If the subscription is valid and has authorization, the results will be saved in a NotificationChannelStorage.


flowchart TB
  ListeningActivityHandler --> ListeningActivityHandlerArgs

  subgraph ListeningActivityHandlerArgs[" "]

  NotificationHandler --> NotificationHandlerArgs
  subgraph NotificationHandlerArgs[" "]
    direction TB

An ActivityEmitter is a class that emits events every time data changes in the server. The MonitoringStore is an implementation of this in the server. The ListeningActivityHandler is the class that listens to these events and makes sure relevant notifications get sent out.

It will pull the relevant subscriptions from the storage and call the stored NotificationHandler for each of time. For every subscription type, a NotificationHandler should be added to the WaterfallHandler that handles notifications for the specific type.


To add support for WebSocketChannel2023 notifications, components were added as described in the documentation above.

For discovery, a NotificationDescriber was added with the corresponding settings.

As NotificationChannelType, there is a specific WebSocketChannel2023Type that contains all the necessary information.

Handling notifications

As NotificationHandler, the following architecture is used:

flowchart TB
  TypedNotificationHandler --> ComposedNotificationHandler("<br>ComposedNotificationHandler")
  ComposedNotificationHandler --> ComposedNotificationHandlerArgs

  subgraph ComposedNotificationHandlerArgs[" "]
    direction LR
    BaseNotificationGenerator --> BaseNotificationSerializer --> WebSocket2023Emitter

A TypedNotificationHandler is a handler that can be used to filter out subscriptions for a specific type, making sure only WebSocketChannel2023 subscriptions will be handled.

A ComposedNotificationHandler combines 3 interfaces to handle the notifications:

  • A NotificationGenerator converts the information into a Notification object.
  • A NotificationSerializer converts a Notification object into a serialized Representation.
  • A NotificationEmitter takes a Representation and sends it out in a way specific to that subscription type.

urn:solid-server:default:BaseNotificationGenerator is a generator that fills in the default Notification template, and also caches the result so it can be reused by multiple subscriptions.

urn:solid-server:default:BaseNotificationSerializer converts the Notification to a JSON-LD representation and handles any necessary content negotiation based on the accept notification feature.

A WebSocket2023Emitter is a specific emitter that checks whether the current open WebSockets correspond to the subscription.


flowchart TB
  WebSocket2023Listener --> WebSocket2023ListenerArgs

  subgraph WebSocket2023ListenerArgs[" "]
    direction LR

  SequenceHandler --> SequenceHandlerArgs

  subgraph SequenceHandlerArgs[" "]
    direction TB

To detect and store WebSocket connections, the WebSocket2023Listener is added as a listener to the HTTP server. For all WebSocket connections that get opened, it verifies whether they correspond to an existing subscription. If yes, the information gets sent out to its stored WebSocket2023Handler.

In this case, this is a SequenceHandler, which contains a WebSocket2023Storer and a BaseStateHandler. The WebSocket2023Storer will store the WebSocket in the same map used by the WebSocket2023Emitter, so that class can emit events later on, as mentioned above. The state handler will make sure that a notification gets sent out if the subscription has a state feature request, as defined in the notification specification.


The additions required to support WebhookChannel2023 are quite similar to those needed for WebSocketChannel2023:

  • For discovery, there is a WebhookDescriber, which is an extension of a NotificationDescriber.
  • The WebhookChannel2023Type class contains all the necessary typing information.
  • WebhookEmitter is the NotificationEmitter that sends the request.
  • WebhookUnsubscriber and WebhookWebId are additional utility classes to support the spec requirements.


Currently, support for StreamingHTTPChannel2023 only covers default, pre-established channels made available for every resource. Those channels output text/turtle.

Support for custom, subscription-based channels can be added in the future.

  • For discovery, there is a StreamingHttpMetadataWriter, which adds Link to every HTTP response header using rel="". It links directly to the receiveFrom endpoint of the default, pre-established channel for that topic resource.
  • Requests to receiveFrom endpoints are handled by a StreamingHttpRequestHandler.
    • It performs an authorization check.
    • It creates a new response stream and adds it to the StreamingHttpMap, indexed by the topic resource.
    • It sends an initial notification, similar to notification channels using a state feature.
  • StreamingHttp2023Emitter is the NotificationEmitter that writes notifications to matching response streams.
  • StreamingHttpListeningActivityHandler is responsible for observing the MonitoringStore and emitting notifications when needed. It doesn't use a NotificationChannelStorage since the default, pre-established channels are not subscription-based. Instead, it uses a StreamingHttpMap to check for active receivers.
flowchart TB
  StreamingHttpListeningActivityHandler --> StreamingHttpListeningActivityHandlerArgs

  subgraph StreamingHttpListeningActivityHandlerArgs[" "]

   StreamingHttpNotificationHandler --> StreamingHttpNotificationHandlerArgs
  subgraph StreamingHttpNotificationHandlerArgs[" "]
    direction TB
